Samsung and Reuters to produce VR news content with Gear 360 camera

Virtual reality is a topic that has long entranced fans of science fiction, and has recently started to become a thing more prominent in the real world. The beauty of virtual reality, also known as VR, the diverse range of applications that it can be applied to. The entire way that we view media, journalism, and even entertainment is sure to change as a result of the expansion of VR. Now it is VR News turn.

The latest big news concerning VR is how Samsung and Reuters have joined forced to combine the video and photography of Reuters with Samsung’s Gear 360 virtual reality cameras in VR news platform called the Focus 360 project. The Gear 360 camera utilizes a rear and a front facing camera to record three hundred and sixty degree images (both cameras record a hundred and eighty degree horizontal and vertical view and are then combined) and videos at a high quality 3,840 by 1,920 resolution. This truly is a monumental milestone in the world of VR news because it delivers a rich spherical image that caters directly to the needs of consumers.

Reuters and Samsung to bring VR and 360 video and photo to Reuters VR News

In the post-modern world we live in, people have become more reliant on digitally record photos and videos not only for personal and entertainment use but for professional work use as well. What the Reuters and Samsung agreements brings for the world is over fifty photo and video journalists from Reuters who will utilize the Samsung Gear 360 camera to literally record history as it happens and bring visual journalism to new heights.

The Focus 360 will be available to consumers on both Android and iOS devices in early August. If you have a Samsung Galaxy smart phone particularly, you should be especially excited because your phone will easily connect with Samsung’s VR headset so you can witness Focus 360 as it happens before your eyes.

VR headsets 3D